Sacroiliac Joint

Sacroiliac Joint

The sacroiliac (SI) joint joins the sacrum at the base of the spine to the pelvic ilium by the sacroiliac (SI) joint. It plays a crucial role in transferring weight and force between the upper body and the lower limbs while providing stability and shock absorption. SI joint dysfunction can cause lower back, buttock, or leg pain, which frequently simulates other disorders, including lumbar…

Ulnar and radial deviation (side to side)
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Ulnar Deviation Of The Wrist Joint

Introduction Ulnar deviation is the movement of the hand toward the little finger (ulnar) side, facilitated by the flexor carpi ulnaris and extensor carpi ulnaris. These motions are essential for grip, wrist flexibility, and functional hand movements. Radial and ulnar deviation are wrist movements occurring in the frontal plane. Radial deviation is the movement of…

Medial Pectoral Nerve

Medial Pectoral Nerve

Introduction The medial pectoral nerve arises from the medial cord of the brachial plexus (C8-T1). It primarily innervates the pectoralis major (sternocostal head) and pectoralis minor muscles. Unlike the lateral pectoral nerve, it pierces the pectoralis minor before reaching the pectoralis major. This nerve plays a role in shoulder adduction, internal rotation, and scapular stabilization….

Patellofemoral Joint

Patellofemoral Joint

The patellofemoral joint is a unique and complex structure composed of static (bones and ligaments) and dynamic (the neuromuscular system) elements. The patella is shaped like a triangle, having an inferiorly oriented tip. The primary articulating surfaces of the patellofemoral joint are the trochlea and the distal articulating surface of the femur, with which it articulates superiorly. Introduction The patellar surface of the femur and the posterior surface of the patella articulate to produce…

Long Thoracic Nerve

Long Thoracic Nerve

Introduction The long thoracic nerve arises from the C5-C7 nerve roots and innervates the serratus anterior muscle. It plays a crucial role in scapular stability, preventing winging of the shoulder blade. Injury to this nerve can result in scapular winging, weakness in shoulder protraction, and difficulty in overhead movements. The serratus anterior muscle, one of…

Hip active movements
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Hip Flexion

Hip Flexion and Extension: What Is It? Hip flexion and extension are basic hip joint motions that are necessary for a variety of tasks, including sitting, jogging, jumping, and walking. It is necessary to understand hip flexion and extension for the purpose of evaluating and improving functional mobility, athletic performance, and rehabilitation. Hip flexion is…

Coccygeal Nerve

Coccygeal Nerve

The coccygeal nerve is the 31st and final spinal nerve, arising from the coccygeal region of the spinal cord. It primarily contributes to the coccygeal plexus, which provides sensory innervation to the skin over the coccyx and motor fibers to parts of the pelvic floor muscles. It plays a minor role in overall nerve function…

Ulnar and radial deviation (side to side)
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Radial Deviation Of The Wrist Joint

What is an Ulnar and Radial Deviation of the Wrist? Radial and ulnar deviations are functionally significant wrist movement, they are essential for maintaining the wrist joint‘s overall stability and balance. By equitably distributing pressures across the wrist joint during weight-bearing exercises, these movements help reduce the likelihood of injury or excessive strain on specific…