Palmar aponeurosis

Palmar Aponeurosis

The palmar aponeurosis is a thick, triangular layer of connective tissue located in the palm of the hand. It functions to protect underlying structures, provide support to the hand, and aid in grip by connecting the palmar skin to the deeper tissues. The aponeurosis extends from the flexor retinaculum to the bases of the fingers,…

Biceps Tendonitis
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Bicipital Tendonitis

Bicipital Tendonitis: What is it? Bicipital Tendonitis is caused by inflammation in the tendon of the upper biceps. This tendon, sometimes called the long head of the biceps tendon, joins the shoulder blade bone to the biceps muscle. Your elbow may also develop the problem. This overuse injury, also known as tendinitis, is frequently caused…

Triceps Tendonitis
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Triceps Tendonitis

Triceps Tendonitis: What is it? Triceps tendonitis, also known as tricep tendinitis, is characterized by inflammation and irritation of the triceps tendon. The triceps tendon is a thick band of connective tissue that connects the triceps muscle on the back of the upper arm to the olecranon, which is the bony prominence at the tip…

Intercostal Muscle Pain
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Intercostal Muscle Strain

What is an Intercostal Muscle Strain? Intercostal muscle strain refers to overstretch in the muscles located between the ribs. These muscles assist in breathing and torso movement. Pain can result from overuse, injury, poor posture, or conditions like inflammation or nerve irritation. Symptoms often include sharp or aching pain, worsened by movement or deep breathing….

Deep Core Muscles
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Deep Core Muscles

Deep Core Muscles: What Are They? The deep core muscles are a group of stabilizing muscles that support the spine, pelvis, and abdomen. They include the transversus abdominis, multifidus, diaphragm, and pelvic floor muscles. These muscles work together to provide stability, improve posture, and reduce the risk of injury, especially in movements requiring balance and…

Quadratus Lumborum Pain
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Quadratus Lumborum Muscle Pain

Quadratus Lumborum Muscle Pain refers to discomfort or tightness in the deep lower back muscle that connects the spine to the pelvis. This pain is often caused by poor posture, prolonged sitting, heavy lifting, or muscle imbalances. It can lead to stiffness, aching, or sharp pain in the lower back, hips, and even the ribs….

Vastus Lateralis Muscle Pain
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Vastus Lateralis Muscle Pain

What is a Vastus Lateralis Muscle Pain? The vastus lateralis is one of the four quadriceps muscles on the thigh’s outer side. It plays a crucial role in knee extension, walking, running, and stabilizing the leg during movement. Vastus lateralis muscle pain can arise from various factors such as overuse, strain, trauma, or nerve irritation….

Quadriceps muscle
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Vastus Intermedius Muscle

Introduction The Vastus Intermedius is one of the four muscles that make up the quadriceps femoris group in the anterior thigh. Located deep between the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis, it lies beneath the rectus femoris and plays a crucial role in knee extension. As a key component of the quadriceps, the vastus intermedius contributes…

Popliteus Muscle Pain
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Popliteus Muscle Pain

What is a Popliteus Muscle Pain? Popliteus muscle pain refers to pain or injury affecting the popliteus muscle, a small but crucial muscle located at the back of the knee. This muscle plays a key role in knee stability and unlocking the knee joint during movement. Popliteus muscle injuries are rarely isolated; instead, they are…