Peripheral nerve injury.
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Peripheral Nerve Injury

What is a Peripheral Nerve Injury? Peripheral nerve injury causes damage or disruption to the nerves that extend from the spinal cord and brain to the rest of the body, which affects sensation, movement, and motor coordination. The peripheral nervous system is a group of motor and sensory nerves that connect the central nervous system…

quadriceps home workout

47 Killer Quad Exercises You Can Do Anywhere

Introduction The quadriceps home workout is challenging to give a single quad workout at home because everyone has different degrees of strength and fitness. You also need access to all the tools and equipment, such as the leg press and barbells, needed to create a whole training regimen, unlike in the gym. Doing a whole…


Cupping Therapy

What is a Cupping Therapy? Cupping therapy, an ancient healing practice, has garnered increasing attention in recent years for its potential health benefits. Dating back thousands of years, cupping therapy has roots in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and has been practiced in various forms across cultures, including in Egyptian, Greek, and Middle Eastern civilizations. Originally,…

exercises for foot cramps
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17 Best Exercises For Foot Cramps

Exercises for the feet cramps can strengthen and increase flexibility while also reducing the risk of foot or ankle pain. Stretching your Achilles tendon, big toe stretches, toe splays and sand walking are suggested exercises. Exercise is important to maintaining the health of your body. Most foot exercises are simple to perform and don’t cost much money…


Strengthening Exercises

Strengthening exercises are activities that are developed to improve the strength of precise groups of muscles. Strengthening workouts overload the muscles until the point of muscle exhaustion. This pressure and overload of a muscle stimulates growth, improving strength. Weak muscles can raise the risk of injury to the surrounding joints and soft tissues.  Muscular power…

Semimembranosus Tendinopathy
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Semimembranosus Tendinopathy

What is a Semimembranosus Tendinopathy? Semimembranosus tendinopathy is a condition characterized by pain, inflammation, and dysfunction of the semimembranosus tendon, which is one of the three hamstring muscles located in the posterior thigh. Chronic knee pain is rarely caused by semimembranosus tendinopathy (SMT). Because the condition is not well understood, it could go undiagnosed or…

Exercises of Gluteal Muscles
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46 Best Exercises of Gluteal Muscles

Exercises Of Gluteal Muscles mainly stretching and strengthening the gluteal muscles is essential for overall lower body strength, stability, and injury prevention. Targeted exercises can help improve muscle tone, enhance athletic performance, and alleviate issues such as lower back pain and hip instability. What is gluteal muscle? Where is the gluteus located? Clinical Significance of…