Gibbus Deformity
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Gibbus Deformity

What is a Gibbus Deformity? Gibbus deformity is a spinal condition characterized by a sharp angulation or curvature of the spine, often resulting from a vertebral compression fracture. This deformity can be caused by several conditions such as trauma, tumors, or congenital defects, but it is most usually linked to Pott’s disease, also known as…

Exercises For Deep Infrapatellar Bursitis
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15 Best Exercises For Deep Infrapatellar Bursitis

The disease known as deep infrapatellar bursitis is characterized by inflammation of the bursa right below the kneecap, under the patellar tendon. Exercises for deep infrapatellar bursitis help reduce stress in the affected area and promote strength, flexibility, and pain alleviation to manage the symptoms of this condition effectively. With a concentration on improving knee…

Pott’s spine

Pott’s Spine Disease

What is Pott’s spine disease? Pott’s spine, also known as spinal tuberculosis or tuberculous spondylitis, is a form of tuberculosis that affects the vertebrae of the spine. It occurs when Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacteria responsible for tuberculosis, spreads from the lungs to the bones of the spine. This condition often leads to the destruction of…

ankle joint

Ankle Joint

Ankle joints are complex mechanisms that play important roles in allowing movement in the lower extremities and providing stability. Several ligaments support the ankle’s overall stability by joining the bones and ensuring optimal joint function. The anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL), posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL), and calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) comprise the lateral (outside) portion of the ankle joint. These ligaments contribute lateral support to the ankle by attaching the talus and calcaneus, two-foot bones, to the fibula, one of the two lower leg bones. Ankle ligament overstretching or taking produces a sprain. Ankle sprains are…

Exercise for Iliotibial Band Syndrome are
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23 Best Exercise for Iliotibial Band Syndrome

Introduction: Exercise for iliotibial band syndrome, along with pain medication and physical therapy, is an important element of your entire treatment plan. Iliotibial Band Syndrome (ITBS) is a common overuse injury, particularly among runners, cyclists, and other athletes involved in repetitive lower limb activities. The iliotibial band (IT band) is a thick band of connective…

Exercise for flat feet
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17 Best Exercise for Flat Feet

Exercise for flat feet is a crucial part of your overall treatment plan. Incorporating specific exercises, along with foot supports, helps strengthen the arch of the foot, improving stability and reducing discomfort. Introduction: Pes planus, often known as fallen or collapsed arches, is the medical term used to describe the ailment known as flat feet….

Chondromalacia Patella
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Chondromalacia Patella (CMP)

What is a Chondromalacia Patella? Chondromalacia patella (CMP) is a disorder characterized by the weakening and deterioration of the cartilage beneath the patella (kneecap). This cartilage normally allows smooth movement of the knee joint, but when it deteriorates, it can cause pain, discomfort, and a grinding sensation during movement. Often referred to as “runner’s knee,”…

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Shoulder Subluxation

Introduction Shoulder subluxation occurs when the lining of the shoulder joint (the capsule), ligaments, or labrum become strained, torn, or detached, causing the ball of the shoulder joint (humeral head) to move entirely or partially out of its socket. Individuals with shoulder subluxation typically experience pain when their shoulder “gives way.”A physical examination together with…

Exercise for Hallux Rigidus
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15 Best Exercise for Hallux Rigidus

Exercise for Hallux Rigidus is an important component of your total treatment plan, along with splinting, medicine treatment, and physical therapy. Exercise regularly can help manage hallux rigidus, but it’s important to select activities that don’t make the problem worse, for those who have hallux rigidus, low-impact, non-weight-bearing exercises are excellent. These exercises help in the…

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Eccentric Exercise

What is Eccentric strength training? Eccentric exercise refers to a type of muscle contraction where the muscle lengthens while under tension, typically during the lowering phase of a movement. Unlike concentric exercises, where muscles shorten as they contract, eccentric exercises focus on the controlled elongation of muscles, making them highly effective for building strength, improving…