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PNF Technique

Introduction Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF): The term Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) refers to a therapeutic approach that involves stimulating proprioceptors (such as the muscle spindle and the Golgi tendon organs) in addition to other sensory stimuli (tactile, visual, or verbal) at the beginning (i.e., during the cognitive phase of motor learning) and gradually decreasing them…


Phelps Approach

Introduction The Phelps Approach refers to a comprehensive treatment strategy developed by orthopedic physician W.M. Phelps, primarily aimed at addressing the needs of individuals with cerebral palsy. One of the first people to treat cerebral palsy was the orthopedic physician W.M. Phelps of Baltimore. (Phelps 1949, 1952; Slominski 1984) He promoted the formation of rehabilitation…

menual therapy

Manual Therapy

What is a Manual Therapy? Manual therapy is a hands-on technique for treating musculoskeletal dysfunction and pain. It encompasses a variety of techniques, including massage, mobilization, manipulation, and stretching, aimed at relieving pain, improving range of motion, and restoring function. Physical therapists have played a significant role in the current diversity of manual therapy approaches…

kinesio taping for hamstring
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Kinesiology Taping for Hamstrings

Introduction Kinesiology taping for hamstrings is a therapeutic method in which elastic tape is applied directly to the skin to support muscles and joints and preserve the range of motion. Kinesiology tape was first created in the 1970s by Japanese chiropractor Dr. Kenzo Kase, and because of its non-invasive nature and adaptability in treating a…


Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) Technique

What is the Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT) Technique? Neuro-Developmental Treatment (NDT), also known as the Bobath Concept, is a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to the assessment and treatment of individuals with neurological impairments. Developed by physical therapist Berta Bobath and her husband, neurologist Dr. Karel Bobath, in the 1940s, NDT focuses on facilitating normal movement patterns…

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

What Is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a widely used psychotherapeutic approach aimed at helping individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors. A form of psychotherapy known as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) teaches patients how to recognize and alter unhelpful or distressing thought patterns that negatively impact their emotions…

how to heal hamstring injury fast
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How to Heal Hamstring Injury Fast

Introduction The best way to heal a hamstring injury fast is to combine rest, appropriate care, and gradual rehabilitation. Doctors will examine practical methods and approaches to help hamstring injuries heal quickly and securely. they will give you the information and resources you need to encourage healing, lessen pain, and avoid re-injury from the first…


Bobath’s Approach

What is a Bobath’s Approach? Bobath’s approach is a neurological rehabilitation technique that is used with patients who have experienced a stroke (adults or children with cerebral palsy). Applying the Bobath idea aims to improve function and involvement by improving motor learning for effective motor control in various contexts. This is accomplished by using specialized…


Cupping Therapy

What is a Cupping Therapy? Cupping therapy, an ancient healing practice, has garnered increasing attention in recent years for its potential health benefits. Dating back thousands of years, cupping therapy has roots in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and has been practiced in various forms across cultures, including in Egyptian, Greek, and Middle Eastern civilizations. Originally,…

Muscle Energy Technique

Muscle Energy Technique (MET)

What is a Muscle Energy Technique (MET)? Muscle Energy Technique (MET) is a manual therapy technique commonly used in physical therapy and osteopathic medicine to treat musculoskeletal dysfunctions and improve joint mobility. It involves the active participation of the patient, who engages in specific muscle contractions directed by the therapist. The goal of MET is…