exercises for knee valgus
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18 Best Exercises For Knee Valgus Deformity

The knees can be stabilized and realigned with exercise. The physical therapist will recommend exercises to strengthen the muscles in the legs, hips, and thighs based on the severity of the deformity and its underlying cause. Certain stretches might also help with symptom relief. What is the Knee Valgus Deformity? The condition known as knee valgus deformity sometimes referred to as…

Peripheral nerve injury.
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Peripheral Nerve Injury

What is a Peripheral Nerve Injury? Peripheral nerve injury causes damage or disruption to the nerves that extend from the spinal cord and brain to the rest of the body, which affects sensation, movement, and motor coordination. The peripheral nervous system is a group of motor and sensory nerves that connect the central nervous system…

Semimembranosus Tendinopathy
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Semimembranosus Tendinopathy

What is a Semimembranosus Tendinopathy? Semimembranosus tendinopathy is a condition characterized by pain, inflammation, and dysfunction of the semimembranosus tendon, which is one of the three hamstring muscles located in the posterior thigh. Chronic knee pain is rarely caused by semimembranosus tendinopathy (SMT). Because the condition is not well understood, it could go undiagnosed or…


Clubfoot (Congenital Talipes Equino Varus – CTEV)

What is a Clubfoot (Congenital Talipes Equino Varus – CTEV)? Congenital Talipes Equinovarus, another name for clubfoot, is a complicated congenital foot deformity that, if left untreated, can make walking uncomfortable and difficult for a person.  It is described as a malformation involving soft and bone tissues in the forefoot, midfoot, and hindfoot that is…