Shoulder Blade Muscles Pain
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Shoulder Blade Muscles Pain

Shoulder blade muscle pain is suggested when you have upper back pain, typically around the scapula bone, and weakness in the affected arm, especially when doing overhead movements.

  • Additionally, you hear a snapping sound when you attempt to move your shoulder joint.
  • There are numerous causes of this pain, including shoulder blade injuries and muscle strains.
  • This injury is caused by pain in the affected muscle area accompanied by edema and redness.
  • The RICE protocol, pain relieving medicine, and physical therapy are used to relieve this pain.

What is shoulder blade muscle pain?

  • The muscles between the shoulder blades are frequently a source of pain.
  • Doctors may call this sensation “inter-scapular pain.”
  • You usually experience dull, throbbing, shooting, and sore shoulder blade pain in the space between your shoulder blades.
  • This pain is usually not very severe, but occasionally it has become an indication of a more serious illness.
  • Therefore, you should make an effort to learn about the causes, remedies, and preventative measures for muscular pain.

What is the anatomy of the shoulder blade?

  • The scapula bone is another name for the shoulder blade.
  • This big, triangular bone is located in the upper back.
  • A sophisticated network of muscles surrounds and supports the scapula bone, enabling you to move your arm.
  • The teres major and rotator cuff muscles are located around the shoulder blade.
  • The muscles of the rotator cuff include the teres minor, subscapularis, infraspinatus, and supraspinatus.
  • Around the shoulder blade are all of these muscles.
  • The shoulder blade muscle serves a variety of purposes. Supporting the shoulder joint’s crucial movements is one of these roles.

Causes of the shoulder blade muscle pain?

Muscle strains:

  • occur when a muscle is overstretched and torn, which can happen for a variety of causes, such as lifting a large object, having bad posture, spending a lot of time at a computer, exercising, and sleeping.


  • Pain between your shoulder blades might also result from injuries to other parts of your body.
  • Among these injuries are fractures of the spine.
  • Dislocation of the shoulder
  • Tears in the rotator cuff
  • If additional injuries, such as trauma, occur.

Other causes:

  • Additional reasons for this pain include:
  • Disc degeneration and scoliosis
  • arise from a bulging and herniated disc in the spine.
  • When people develop osteoarthritis in the joints surrounding their neck, spine, and ribs
  • Any number of factors can lead to spinal stenosis and spinal cord narrowing.
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Shingles
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Acid reflux
  • Certain cancer conditions like lymphomas, lung cancer, esophageal cancer, liver cancer & all cancers that are spread to bones.

Some Emergency causes:

  • When unexpected circumstances lead to shoulder pain that necessitates immediate medical attention. These ailments, which cause excruciating pain, include the following:
  • Shoulder blade pain might occasionally be a sign of a heart attack, which primarily affects women.
  • Aortic tears cause sudden, excruciating pain in your upper middle back and are caused by a tear and rupture in the aorta’s inner layer.
  • When a pulmonary embolism occurs, it is also accompanied by shortness of breath and abrupt, acute pain in the shoulder blades.

Symptoms of shoulder blade muscle Pain?

You have either dull or severe pain around the scapula bone; you have weakness in the affected arm, which is primarily felt when you try to do overhead movements; restricted range of motion (ROM) that makes it hard to raise your arm above your shoulder joint; you feel as though your posture is skewed on the affected side; you occasionally hear a snapping sound when you move your shoulder joint; and you see the scapula projecting visibly, a condition known as winging of the scapula.

Diagnosis of shoulder blade muscle pain?

When you visit the doctor for an injury, the doctor asks you a few questions about your medical history and symptoms.

The doctor performs a physical examination, checking for weakness, tenderness, and tightness in the scapula and shoulder joint. The doctor then recommends imaging tests for diagnosis, such as an MRI, CT scan, or X-ray. At times, the doctor refers you to a specialist, such as an orthopedist or neurologist, for a more thorough diagnosis and specialized care.

Under what circumstances is it necessary to call a doctor in an emergency?

  • When your pain becomes excessive, out of the ordinary, and persists beyond a week and the initial treatment, you should see a doctor.

You should see a doctor if you experience any of the following pain symptoms for several days:

  • Chest pain
  • Excessive sweating
  • Coughing up blood
  • Shortness of breath
  • Rapid or irregular heart rate
  • Lightheadedness
  • Fever
  • Loss of vision & Consciousness
  • Sudden difficulty speaking
  • Paralysis on one side of your body
  • Unexplained weight loss

Treatment of the shoulder blade muscle pain?

Depending on the reason and intensity of your shoulder blade pain, treatment will vary from person to person, as will recovery time.

RICE principle:

The RICE concept is recommended by the doctor as a primary treatment or at-home remedy when you experience muscle pain.

  • R-rest = You must take a break from activities that cause muscle pain.
  • I-ice = You apply ice to the affected area for 20 minutes to relieve swelling and pain but always wrap the ice with a towel to prevent ice burn. You can also use frozen peas and an ice pack for ice therapy.
  • C-compression = You can also apply compression bandages to relieve swelling and pain.
  • E-elevation = You must be raised to the injured arm with a pillow beneath it to relieve swelling and muscular pain.

Pain Medications:

  • Certain drugs can aid you with shoulder blade pain and stiffness.
    You can take a variety of anti-inflammatory medications, such as Ketoprofen and Naproxen sodium.
  • For severe pain, the doctor may occasionally recommend steroids, such as pills or injections, to assist you reduce inflammation and pain.
  • Muscle relaxants and some antidepressants are sometimes prescribed by doctors to treat pain.
  • Additionally, you can use pain-relieving gels and sprays, to relieve muscle soreness.

Hot & cold therapy:

  • pain is reduced when you apply hot and cold compresses between your shoulder blades.
  • This therapy works best when administered every few hours for 15 minutes at a time.


  • Certain meals add to inflammation in your body which may increase your symptoms.
  • So avoid processed foods & eat plenty of fruits & veggies or Select omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods, such as salmon.

Physical therapy treatment for shoulder blade muscle pain?


  • In order to alleviate muscle pain, the therapist is advised to provide massage therapy when trigger or tender points are discovered in the affected area.
  • After following the RICE principle for two to three days, the massage is performed three times a day at home using oil for five to ten minutes each time.

Electrotherapy treatment :

  • When massage, painkillers, and the RICE principle fail to ease muscle pain, electrotherapy is used.
  • Your therapist suggests an electrotherapy session to alleviate your pain, swelling, and edema.
  • The treatment therapist uses a lot of machines in electrotherapy.
  • When the trigger & tender points are present clinicians utilize US = ultrasound therapy for the relief of muscle pain.
  • Using a gel, this treatment is applied to the painful area for five to ten minutes.
  • This treatment helps to reduce edema and pain.
  • SWD = Short wave diathermy is heat therapy for release to spams on the location of pain.
  • IFC (interferential current therapy) and TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) are applied to the sore area using gel and electrodes.

Exercise therapy for Shoulder blade muscle pain :

  • After two to three days of applying the RICE approach at home, getting primary care, and taking pain medication, you feel better.
  • Once you are at ease and your muscle pain has subsided, the physical therapist recommends an exercise regimen to help with muscle weakness and stiffness.
  • One component of exercise treatment for muscle pain is stretching and strengthening activities.
  • Stretching exercises help to relax and strengthen stiff muscles. Exercise helps relieve muscle weakness.

Stretching exercise:

After the follow-up Electrotherapy for 2-3 days for release to muscle pain by the physical therapist then the therapist is encouraged to stretch for release to muscle tightness.
You apply this stretching once your pain has subsided and you are at peace.
This Stretching exercise helps you remove muscle pain & tightness.

  • Shoulder stretch
  • Ear to shoulder
  • Cross arm stretch
  • Thread the needle
  • Across-the-chest stretch
  • Doorway shoulder stretch
  • Pendulum stretch
  • Cross-body shoulder stretch:
  • Eagle arm stretch
  • Standing wall stretch

Shoulder stretch:

Shoulder and Triceps Stretch
Shoulder stretch
  • You have one arm out in front of you.
  • The elbow joint of the outstretched arm should be pulled toward your chest with your other arm.
  • This stretching position should be maintained for about 30 seconds.
  • Perform this stretches three times a day and ten times in one sitting.

Ear to shoulder:

  • With a straight spine, you lean your head toward your right shoulder joint.
  • Next, move as far as you can without putting undue strain on your left shoulder joint.
  • Gently bring your head down with your right hand to deepen the stretch.
  • For 30 seconds, maintain this stretching posture.
  • Perform this stretching exercise three times each day and three times in a single session.

Cross arm stretch:

Cross arm stretch
  • Starting with your left arm at chest height, place it across the front of your body.
  • For support, use the elbow joint crease of your right arm with your left arm.
  • Afterward, use your right hand to grip your left arm.
  • Keep your face forward and extend your shoulder joints.
  • For 30 seconds, hold this stretching position.
  • Perform this stretching exercise three times each day and three times in a single session.

Thread the needle:

  • With your hands just beneath your shoulders and your knee behind your hip, you start this exercise on all fours.
  • With your palm facing up, raise your right hand and slowly move it to your left.
  • With your head turned to the left, rest your body on your right shoulder.
  • Be sure you are not putting too much weight on your shoulders.
  • For 30 seconds, maintain this workout stance.
  • Release slowly and return to the starting position.
  • Three times a day and three times in a single session, perform this stretching exercise.

Across-the-chest stretch:

  • This exercise starts with your right arm placed over your chest.
  • Support your arm with your left hand while placing it in the crease of your left elbow joint.
  • Maintain these stretches for a maximum of one minute.
  • Next, repeat on the other side.
  • Stretch each side three to five times.
  • To make the stretch more profound, raise your arm to shoulder height.
  • Three times a day and three times in a single session, perform this stretching.

Doorway shoulder stretch:

  • You stand in a doorway with your elbows and arms at a 90-degree angle.
  • Step forward with your right foot and press your palms against the sides of the door frame.
  • Lean forward & engage your core muscle.
  • This stretching position should be maintained for up to 30 seconds.
  • Stretch again, putting your left foot forward.
  • Three times a day and three times in a single session, perform this stretching exercise.

Pendulum stretch:

Pendulum Stretches
Pendulum stretch
  • Lean forward and look at the floor while standing with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Then, place your right hand on a table or chair for support.
  • Then, let your left arm hang down.
  • Allow gravity to do the majority of the work as you swing your left arm gently in small circular motions for 30 to 1 minute.
  • After that, switch up the motion’s direction. Three times a day and three times in a single session, repeat this stretching exercise.

Cross-body shoulder stretch:

  • You stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Next, attempt to straighten out your right arm.
  • Place the hand on the opposite side of the left leg pointing to the floor as you begin moving the right arm across the torso.
  • At the elbow joint, bend the left arm.
  • Next, use the right arm above the elbow joint for support and hook the left forearm beneath the right arm.
  • Pull the right arm more in and across the body with the left forearm, and attempt to extend the back of the right shoulder.
  • Hold it for 30 seconds, then repeat the stretching on the other side.
  • Three times a day and three times in a single session, perform this stretching exercise.

Eagle arm stretch:

Eagle arm stretch
Eagle arm stretch
  • When you stand, your feet are hip-width apart.
  • Lift your arms to your sides as you take a breath.
  • As you release the breath, swing your arms in toward your body.
  • Next, let the right arm pass beneath the left.
  • In the crook of the right elbow joint, place the left elbow joint.
  • Starting with the palms together will force them to reach for each other.
  • When the palms of your hands are not touching, hold their backs together.
  • Then take a deep breath three or four times.
  • Cross the left arm beneath the right and repeat the stretch on the opposite side.
  • Three times a day and three times in a single session, perform this stretching exercise.
Bilateral Standing Pectoral and Bicep Stretch
Standing wall stretch

Standing wall stretch:

  • Start with placing both hands at a 90-degree angle to your body on a wall. Then, walk your feet back until your arms are bent and straight, at the hip joint.
  • Be careful not to push against the wall or raise your arms too high to prevent shoulder impingement; instead, keep your shoulder blades set back and refrain from tensely hunching your shoulder joint around your neck.
  • Three times a day and three times in a single session, repeat this stretching exercise.

Strengthening Exercises:

Following two to three days of electrotherapy and massage to relieve muscle pain, the physical therapist recommends strengthening exercises to relieve muscle weakness. These exercises are always recommended when you feel comfortable and ready to release pain.

  • Shoulder blade squeeze
  • Arm circles
  • Plank
  • Shoulder raises
  • Shoulder rolls
  • Chin retraction
  • Standing arm swings
  • Standing arm lifts
  • Wide-legged standing forward bend
  • Cat cow pose
  • Reverse prayer pose
  • Cow face pose
  • Eagle arms spinal rolls
  • Cross-body arm swings
  • Ragdoll Pose
  • Shoulder rotation
  • T, Y & I movements

Shoulder blade squeeze:

Shoulder blade squeeze
  • You’re standing erect.
  • Raise the elbow joint inward and backward.
  • bringing the shoulder blades back and downward.
  • Next, Go back to where you were before.
  • Three times a day and 10 times in one session, perform this exercise.

Arm circles:

  • With your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms straight down your sides, you are standing upright.
  • Then Move your arms around in huge circles going forward.
  • Make sure your arms are straight.
  • After a few repetitions, change to the opposite way, moving your arms backward in a circle.
  • Three times a day and 10 times in one session, perform this exercise.


Plank Variations
  • With your arms straight down your sides and your feet shoulder-width apart, you are standing upright.
  • Then Move your arms around in huge circles going forward.
  • Make sure your arms are straight.
  • After a few repetitions, change to the opposite way, moving your arms backward in a circle.
  • Perform this exercise three times a day and ten times in one sitting.

Shoulder raises:

  • You are either sitting or standing.
  • With your arms by your sides and your back straight, begin this exercise.
  • After that, slowly lift your shoulder joint toward your ears.
  • Return to the slow starting position after holding this exercise for ten seconds.
  • Perform this exercise ten times in a single session and three times daily.

Shoulder rolls:

Shoulder Rolls
Shoulder rolls
  • First, maintain a straight posture while sitting or standing.
  • Roll your shoulders down, back, and up after that.
  • Perform this workout motion ten times.
  • After that, roll your shoulder joint up, forward, and down ten times.
  • Perform this exercise three times a day and ten times in one sitting.

Chin retraction:

  • First, maintain the posture of your head, neck, and spine while standing and sitting.
  • As far as you can without straining, extend your arm and chin in front of you.
  • Pull your chin back into your throat and neck after that.
  • Perform this exercise three times a day and ten times in one sitting.

Standing arm lifts:

Arm lifts (standing)
Standing arm lifts
  • First, clench your hands into fists and place them in front of your hips.
  • Then, as you raise your arms overhead until your hands are joined above your head, take the inhale.
  • Then, lower yourself back to where you were before.
  • Perform this exercise three times a day and ten times in one sitting.

Wide-legged standing forward bend:

  • You are standing with your toes pointed forward and your feet wider than hip-distance apart.
  • After that, bring your hands together behind your back and open your chest.
  • Maintain a small bend in your knee and engage your leg muscles.
  • To fold forward and bring your arms over your head and toward the floor, hinge at the hip joint.
  • After that, drop your chin slightly toward your chest and let your head hang down.
  • For no more than a minute, maintain this posture.
  • Perform this exercise three times a day and ten times in one sitting.

Cat cow pose:

Seated Cat-Cow Pose
Cat cow pose
  • Initially Put your knee joint beneath your hip joint and your hands beneath your shoulder joint.
  • As you glance up, fill your tummy with air and let it sink.
  • As you exhale, contract your abdominal muscles.
  • Next, attempt to wrap your chin around your spine and into your chest.
  • For a few minutes, keep doing this exercise, paying close attention to your shoulder joint.
  • Perform this exercise three times a day and ten times in one sitting.

Reverse prayer pose:

  • This stance is performed in the tree pose, sitting, and standing.
  • Your hands should then be behind your back, fingertips down, and the backs of your hands facing each other as you start this exercise.
  • Turn your hands in the opposite direction, fingers facing up, from this position.
  • Next, turn your palms toward one another.
  • Pull your elbows back slightly, open your chest, and place your hands together.
  • Your spine must remain straight.
  • Then, maintain this posture for ten seconds.
  • Perform this exercise three times a day and ten times in one sitting.

Cow face pose:

Gomukhasana (cow pose)
Cow face pose
  • Start this exercise sitting with your hand along your spine. Your left elbow should be raised to the side of your head.
  • Use your right hand to pull your left elbow joint to the right as it moves down your spine.
  • Additionally, if you feel comfortable doing so, you can grip your left hand by bending your right arm and raising your right hand.
  • For a minute, hold the posture.
  • Perform this exercise three times a day and ten times in one sitting.

Eagle arms spinal rolls:

  • Cross your elbows in front of your body and place your right arm on top.
  • After that, bend your elbow joint and put your hands and forearms back together.
  • Try stretching your right hand around to bring your palms together.
  • Hold this position for 30 seconds.
  • During the exhale, roll your spine as you draw your elbow joint in toward your chest.
  • As you take a breath, raise your arms and spread your chest.
  • Then continue this motion for a minute.
  • Perform this exercise ten times in a single session and three times daily.

Cross-body arm swings:

  • Standing, place your feet hip-width apart.
  • Lift your arms to your sides and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you take a breath.
  • As you release the breath, gently draw the arms in toward each other.
  • With both arms straight, attempt to cross the right arm under the left.
  • Swing your arms back out to the sides while you inhale and press your shoulder blades together.
  • Return your arms to each other gently as you release the breath.
  • When you cross the left arm under the right, both arms must stay straight.
  • Three times a day and 10 times in one session, perform this exercise.

Ragdoll Pose:

Ragdoll Pose
  • It’s a forward-bend yoga technique that helps relieve shoulder joint strain.
  • You are standing with your feet hip-width apart.
  • The knee joint should be somewhat bent.
  • Bend forward and try touching the toes.
  • Surely To support the lower back, keep the stomach pressed up against the bent knee.
  • Next, place both hands on the elbow joint of the other arm.
  • Try to crown the head in a downward direction.
  • Let go of any tightness in the neck and shoulders and let the head drop.
  • Hold this posture for one minute.
  • Perform this exercise ten times in a single session and three times daily.

Shoulder rotation:

Shoulder rotation
  • You can bring both elbow joints out to 90 degrees and maintain a neutral shoulder blade position by leaning your back against a wall.
  • Then, without shifting your elbow joint, raise your right arm until the back of it reaches the wall, then lower your left arm till your left palm touches the wall.
  • After that, switch slowly for around 30 seconds while attempting to maintain your arms at a 90-degree angle.
  • Perform this exercise three times a day and ten times in one sitting.

T, Y & I movements:

  • Start working out. Position yourself with your back to a wall and your palms facing out.
  • Then, keeping your arms and back against the wall, carefully lift your arms into a T form.
  • Then continue to raise your arms in a Y shape, then try to touch your thumbs over your head while making an I shape.
  • but must be kept up. Position your shoulder blades flat on the wall.
  • Perform this exercise three times a day and ten times in each shape.

Surgical treatment:

When you no longer have pain following medical and physical therapy treatment, the doctor may recommend surgery.
Rarely is surgery necessary for shoulder blade pain.

However, in certain extreme circumstances, surgery is required for:

  • Excruciating arthritis
  • Excruciating pain in the shoulder blades
  • Surgery-treatable injuries
  • Inability to respond to more conservative therapy
  • fracture of the shoulder blade
  • In the upper back or shoulder region, the operation entails tendon restoration and scar tissue removal.
  • The doctor may occasionally recommend shoulder replacement surgery.

Prevention points for the shoulder blade muscle pain?

  • Maintaining proper posture is essential in day-to-day living.
  • One of the best defenses against all shoulder blade problems is proper posture.
  • Maintain proper posture every day by sitting up straight and avoiding slouching.
  • To help you, you must be accustomed to ergonomic office supplies like seats and pillows.
  • When using a computer or desk, one must sit for brief amounts of time and stretch periodically.
  • Always exercise caution when lifting anything because lifting big objects can potentially result in injury. However, your knee joint bends first when you attempt to lift a big object.
  • Always complete the warm-up first.
  • Always do light stretching as a warm-up before a workout & exercise time.
  • It helps you avoid injury and gets your muscles ready for activities.
  • Keep up a healthy lifestyle at all times.
  • Perform the workout regularly.
  • Always look for strategies to stay happy and handle your everyday stress.


Which sleeping posture is ideal for people who have shoulder blade pain?

Generally speaking, the greatest sleeping posture for shoulder pain alleviation is to sleep on your back or non-painful side with a supportive pillow. keep away of sleeping on the sore side of your tummy.

Which malignancies hurt the shoulder blades?

Shoulder pain can happen when lung cancer spreads to the shoulder’s surrounding bones or when a lung tumor presses against a neighboring nerve. But it’s crucial to remember that shoulder pain might also be caused by an illness like arthritis that has nothing to do with cancer.

Can shoulder blade pain be caused by gas?

Yes, that is the response! Bloating, cramping, and upper back pain between the shoulder blades can all be symptoms of trapped gas in the digestive tract, which puts additional strain on the back.

Which organ is the source of pain in the right shoulder blade?

a lung condition, like pneumonia, in which pain may be felt in the neck, armpit, upper chest, upper arm, shoulder blade region, and shoulder. Shoulder pain typically occurs on the same side as the lung tissue. Other ailments include thoracic outlet syndrome, Paget’s disease, or herpes zoster (shingles).

Can physical therapy help with shoulder pain?

Pain and inflammation may occur if the muscles, ligaments, or tendons are not effectively coordinating or functioning as a unit. When it comes to treating and preventing shoulder injuries caused by sports, physical therapy is helpful.

Which tablets help with shoulder pain?

NSAIDs, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, work by decreasing inflammation in the shoulder joint. Doctors often recommend ibuprofen and naproxen as NSAIDs; if these over-the-counter medications don’t help, your doctor may prescribe a higher dosage for weeks or months.

What is the duration of shoulder blade pain?

Mild shoulder pain can take four to six weeks to completely go away. To help relieve shoulder pain, there are a few things you should and shouldn’t do. Before shoulder pain begins to subside, you typically need to do these exercises for two weeks.

How can shoulder blade pain be relieved while I sleep?

Try to sleep on your side or back instead of your front, as this will certainly result in pain for all types of shoulder impingement. Shoulder impingement is frequently linked to rotator cuff issues; in this situation, you should take care to prevent further rotator cuff damage.

How can shoulder blade pain be massaged?

Using a racquetball or foam roller are two methods for self-massaging the shoulder blade. (A lacrosse ball or tennis ball will also work.) The foam roller or ball can be used for these kinds of massages by positioning it between the back and a wall and then gently rolling it up and down or side to side.

Which topical creams or gels are the best for shoulder blade pain?

Products with 10% menthol (Icy Hot, BenGay) or diclofenac (Voltaren) may help relieve pain without the need for pills. If those don’t work, try other over-the-counter pain relievers like naproxen sodium (Aleve), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, and others), and acetaminophen (Tylenol, among others).

Is it possible to treat shoulder blade pain?

Depending on the underlying reason, treatment options for shoulder pain may include: Reducing arm-intensive physical activity. taking drugs to lessen pain and inflammation. seeing a physical therapist or chiropractor to increase your flexibility, stretch, and alignment.

The number of physical therapy sessions for shoulder pain?

Although this can be considerably less or much more, four to six sessions are usually needed. A series of stretches and other exercises will be led by your practitioner to help you start moving your shoulder more easily once more.

How is pain in the shoulder blades treated?

arm-straight pull at chest level
Either sit or straighten up. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart as you hold an exercise band.
Relax your shoulders. …
Slowly return to your starting position.
Repeat 8 to 12 times.

How quickly can shoulder blade pain be resolved?

Rest: Avoid doing anything that puts a lot of strain on your upper back for at least two days. Ice: Apply an ice pack four to eight times a day for 20 minutes to the sore spot. Compress: Swelling can be lessened by wearing a compression garment. Elevate: Use a pillow to support your shoulder blades so they are higher than your heart.

Can shoulder blade pain be relieved by a physical therapist?

In addition to helping you with exercises, physical therapy can aid by easing your pain and gently extending and mobilizing some of the tissues surrounding the joint. To relieve pain and support the sensitive muscles surrounding the shoulder and neck, your physical therapist may also employ acupuncture and specialized taping techniques.


  • Ladva, V. (2024e, December 10). Shoulder blade muscles pain – Cause, Symptoms, Treatment, Exercise. Samarpan Physiotherapy Clinic.

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