PEMF(Pulsed Electromagnetic Field)

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF)

What Is PEMF Therapy?

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy uses electromagnetic fields to promote healing and wellness at the cellular level. The therapy involves the application of low-frequency, pulsed magnetic fields to the body, which penetrate deep into tissues to stimulate various physiological processes.

PEMF therapies are a secure, minimally invasive way of managing physical ailments. These activities are carried out by skilled specialists who understand the body’s operation and reaction to electric pulses, assuring that there are no hazards in such therapies.

PEMFs are safe and have been shown to improve pain relief and healing from a variety of illnesses, including tissue injury, blood clots, and joint stiffness.

PEMFs attempt to approximate the recovery procedure of the body’s electric pulse which promotes and facilitates healing via strength and learning.

The frequency: Range is 25 Hz to 600 Hz, with variable intermediary steps.

Pulse width: 20 us is the shortest, 40 ms is the biggest, and the most popular unit is 65 us.

Power depth of penetration: Controlling the power depth of penetration may require adjusting frequency and pulse width on some systems. On others, power controls exist that may change the output for each pulse from 293 watts to 975.

Rest period: The rest period depends on the pulse width and frequency. For example, suppose treatment will be performed with pulse widths of 65 us at 600 Hz and a power of 975 watts. In that case, the rest time is 1600 us, and the treatment/rest ratio is 1:25. The average power throughout the treatment is just 38 watts, due to the considerable rest intervals between the 975-watt energy pulses.

Normal cell membranes retain an electrical potential of 60 to 90 millivolts because of ion locations on each side. In injured cells, this potential can be as low as 40 mv, which can disrupt regular cell membrane exchanges.

Although the energy in a pulsed electromagnetic field is nowhere near the cell’s potential, it is hypothesized that when supplied to a damaged cell, this electromagnetic field may provide the ‘push’ needed to get the system moving and allow the cell membrane potential to recover to 60 mv.

This is an important step in the repair process, and a lot of studies have found that pulsed electromagnetic radiation improves trauma and repair rates.

How Does PEMF Work?

The body is composed of countless cells, each of which needs energy to function. Energy is dynamic, with a frequency that varies all the time. All energy is electromagnetic by nature, and each cell generates its own electromagnetic field. This suggests that electromagnetic exchange is necessary for all bodily functions since trillions of cells use electromagnetic frequencies to communicate with one another. Damaged cells will not have the proper electromagnetic field, and their metabolic activities will be disrupted.

PEMF contributes to the restoration of cells’ electromagnetic fields and metabolic activities. The PEMF’s magnetic pulses trigger small electrical impulses that encourage the cell to mend, upregulating the cell’s naturally generated energy and allowing it to cure itself.

The PEMF additionally influences cell membrane channels (which control what gets into and out of the cell). It opens up these channels, letting more nutrients into the cell and waste products out, therefore restoring the cell’s optimal equilibrium. If enough cells are recovered, they will function more effectively.

Cells of the identical type combine to create tissues, which eventually develop into organs. So, by repairing or preserving cell function, organ function is likewise restored or maintained, allowing the body to function more effectively.

The PEMF works to:

  • Reduce inflammatory processes, edema, and stress throughout your body.
  • Enhance energy, circulation, blood and tissue oxygenation, stress, blood pressure, nutritional absorption, cellular cleansing, and regeneration.
  • Balance the immunological system.
  • Accelerate bone and soft tissue healing.
  • Relax the muscles.

Benefits of PEMF therapy:

PEMF treatment can stimulate cells and improve their ability to recover. This provides a variety of health advantages, including speedier recuperation and stronger cell functioning.PEMF promotes cell-to-cell interaction and proliferation while keeping cells functioning.

Boosts immunity.
PEMF effectively reduces the risk of bacterial infection. It boosts microcirculation, which promotes cell repair and oxygenation. All of these elements contribute to improved immunity and so can be beneficial.
PEMF may additionally assist with removing pollutants from the body.

Improves Sleep Quality.
It lessens the frequency of bodily processes, facilitating the healing and recovery of damaged and strained muscles, tissues, and cells. They frequently offset high-intensity frequencies produced by the technology around us, lowering tension, assisting circadian cycles, and promoting a more peaceful state of sleep.

Relieves stress
PEMF can assist in reducing stress by stimulating the body’s digestive response. The steady, soft frequency allows the brain and muscles to relax, resulting in a calmer nervous system. The pulses can also provide a mild massage-like sensation that relaxes the brain, helping you to sleep better and decrease tension.

The pulses can also evoke sensations of being connected to nature. It may replicate the natural pulsing seen in biological systems, allowing cells to regenerate.

Fast Muscle Recovery
PEMF accelerates cell and tissue restoration by tapping into their natural healing rhythm. This added support helps cells and tissues to repair more quickly and minimizes cell stress, which is done through stimulation. This accelerates muscle repair by reducing pain and inflammation and encouraging physical healing.

Its ability to reduce pain and inflammation helps cells and muscles to relax and recover more efficiently.

detoxification of the body
It also excretes toxins from the body via blood circulation and promotes cell development. It allows the body to easily expel pollutants. It can have a favorable effect on the lungs and bowels, both of which are key organs responsible for removing toxins from the body.

The steady pulses create a calming sensation that promotes oxygen flow throughout the body. Toxins are removed more quickly with well-oxygenated circulation, which leads to better cell, tissue, and blood quality.

What exactly is the function of a pulsed electromagnetic field?

Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) are employed in a treatment known as pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF therapy) or low-field magnetic stimulation (LFMS). PEMF treatment sends brief bursts of electromagnetic fields into the body to promote tissue repair and pain alleviation.

PEMF has been utilized to treat problems such as the following:

  • Pain relief: PEMF therapy is used to treat a variety of ailments, including arthritis, muscular aches, and low back pain.
  • Fracture healing: PEMF treatment may help speed up bone healing in situations of fractures. However, the evidence remains inconclusive.
  • Inflammation reduction: PEMF treatment is known to decrease inflammation, which can aid in pain management and healing.

Contraindications of PEMF therapy: Is it dangerous?

PEMF treatment is not risky. There are no known serious negative effects linked with the therapy, and there have been no reports of difficulties caused by excessive exposure to the device’s electromagnetic fields. Certain illnesses, such as osteoporosis, can be treated for up to 8 hours every day.

However, several precautions should be followed before starting PEMF therapy.

These preventative measures are recommended for protected therapy because there is insufficient data to determine the negative consequences and limitations of PEMF therapy. This is why we request that you avoid utilizing this therapy and purchasing PEMF therapy instruments if you have any of the following disorders:

  • Pregnancy,
  • tuberculosis, and juvenile diabetes
  • Acute viral illnesses.
  • Mycosis
  • Cardiopathy
  • Tumors
  • Severe arrhythmias
  • Pacemaker wearers
  • Children
  • Wearers of magnetizable prosthesis
  • Acute infections.
  • Epilepsy


If you are pregnant, we recommend seeing your doctor to verify that electromagnetic fields do not impair your baby’s health. This caution is issued because there have been no clinical studies conducted on pregnant women that demonstrate contraindications to PEMF treatment during pregnancy.

Pacemaker wearers
If you have a pacemaker, PEMF treatment may be harmful since the electromagnetic fields may interfere with the pacemaker’s correct operation. There are new pacemakers available that have no contraindications. Consult your doctor to ensure that your device belongs within this category in order to avoid negative side effects from PEMF therapy.

Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) activate cell membranes by stimulating specific biophysical processes. The varied consequences include bone calcification and improved blood circulation in the treated region. This is why PEMF treatment is not recommended for youngsters who have not completed their growth phase.
If you are looking at PEMF therapy for your child, we recommend that you consult with your doctor to ensure that it is appropriate for him or her.

Wearers of magnetizable prosthesis
In general, patients with magnetizable prostheses should avoid PEMF treatment.
If you have a prosthesis and don’t know what material it’s composed of, we recommend that you consult your orthopaedist.
This precaution serves to ensure that the therapy does not become hazardous when electromagnetic fields are created, which might have unforeseen implications when interacting with the prosthesis.

If you have had an MRI with a prosthesis other than the one listed above, you can safely get PEMF therapy.

In any event, if you have a prosthesis, always visit your doctor to determine the type of material utilized.

What is a PEMF Therapy Session Like:

A PEMF therapy session takes place in a clean, safe, and comfortable environment. It primarily entails the individual sitting comfortably in a chair or reclining down. Following an assessment of your requirements and problems, medical specialists administer moderate magnetic pulses for a certain period.It frequently induces a calming sensation, such as a massage.

When treated, the individual may watch television, read, or surf through social media. It is a painless, non-invasive process that does not put the patient in danger of electric shock.

It may be tailored to the individual’s PEMF therapy objectives, including consultation and ideas from a medical specialist.

Precautions of PEMF:

All of our PEMF treatment devices are medical equipment. As such, they are intended and tested for safe usage in the home. Furthermore, the materials that come into touch with the user have passed the biocompatibility testing mandated by regulation. All of this helps to make the gadgets safe for your health.

The precautions to be taken before beginning PEMF therapy are primarily concerned with the proper usage of the equipment, which will provide a delightful and completely safe experience.

Whenever you start your PEMF therapy session, we recommend that:

  • Always speak with your doctor before and after therapy.
  • Always read the user guide before using the device.
  • Clean the area to be treated, if applying the accessory directly on the skin.
  • Do not wear metal things.
  • Avoid usage in conjunction with ointments containing free ions of magnetizable metals.
  • Use the non-woven fabric (TNT) component if you have wounds on your skin or if numerous people use the device.
  • Wear apparel (T-shirt or pants) made of natural fibers like cotton;
  • Check the device’s effectiveness and safety every 24 months for residential usage;
  • Avoid utilizing the device in damp settings and/or with combustible substances.
  • Position the instrument so that the green side comes into contact with the area to be cleaned.
  • Use only the wires and applicators provided by the manufacturer. Cables and application devices that are not meant for use or wear may harm the device and/or injure the patient.
  • Keep out of children’s and animals’ reach.
  • Use the device at least 3 meters away from TV sets, monitors, mobile phones, WIFI routers, and other electrical equipment, since they may interfere with the gadget’s performance.


What is pulsed electromagnetic field therapy?

PEMF therapy is a non-invasive treatment that delivers intermittent, current pulse-generated magnetic field pulses to living tissue over a short period of time at a set pulse repetition frequency.

What are the hazards associated with PEMF?

The dangers of PEMF treatment are quite minimal. Some people may develop minor side effects including headaches or nausea.

Can PEMF treat sciatica?

It aids in the relief of pain, edema, and inflammation caused by the sciatic nerve and surrounding tissues, as well as the relief of muscle spasms and the improvement of blood circulation in the affected leg.

What is the full form of PEMF?

Pulsed electromagnetic field treatment (PEMFT, or PEMF therapy), also known as low field magnetic stimulation (LFMS), is the application of electromagnetic fields to treat non-union fractures and depression.

Is there any risk associated with PEMF therapy?

PEMF is a safe and effective therapy that uses magnetic pulses on the human body. Before beginning therapy, previous medical concerns are identified. The therapy permits the body to digest the situation, which improves as you progress through the treatment.

How much time does it take for PEMF therapy to start performing properly?

Depending on the ailment and kind of treatment, long-term outcomes may take up to four weeks to appear. After a few sessions, you will see the benefits of PEMF therapy.


  • Dhameliya, N. (2022a, April 20). USE OF PULSED ELECTROMAGNATIC ENERGY IN PHYSIOTHERAPY. Samarpan Physiotherapy Clinic.
  • What is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy | Pulse Innovative Therapy. (2019, May 30). Pulse Innovative Therapy.
  • Benefits of Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields Therapy (PEMF). (n.d.).
  • Mariangela. (2022, March 30). PEMF therapy: what are the contraindications? I-Tech Medical Division.
  • FMBSadmin. (2018, November 21). What is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy? – FMBS Therapy Systems. FMBS Therapy Systems.

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