Hot Packs Used in Physical Therapy
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Hot Packs Used in Physical Therapy

Introduction In physical therapy clinics, hot packs are one kind of physical modality that is frequently utilized. Your physical therapist applies them to the affected portion of your body (PT). Physical therapists apply wet heat packs directly to the exposed area that requires treatment after wrapping them in multiple layers of towels. However, why is…

Decerebrate Posture
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Decerebrate Posture

What is Decerebrate Posture? Decerebrate posture, also known as decerebrate rigidity or extensor posturing, is a specific type of abnormal body posture that typically indicates severe damage to the brainstem. It’s characterized by rigid extension of the arms and legs, with the arms positioned straight out and the legs extended and internally rotated. The posture…

What Level of Alkaline Phosphate is Dangerous

What Level of Alkaline Phosphatase is Dangerous?

The level of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in the blood can vary depending on various factors such as age, sex, and underlying health conditions. Generally, a mildly elevated ALP level may not be a cause for concern and can be due to factors like growth spurts in children or pregnancy. However, significantly elevated levels of ALP…

bruises for hamstring injury
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Bruises for Hamstring Injury

Introduction The Bruises from a hamstring injury, which affects the muscles in the back of the leg, can be insufferable and immobilized. Bruising is one of the most typical indications and symptoms of a hamstring injury. Bruising, sometimes referred to as a hematoma or contusion, is caused by bleeding beneath the skin from broken blood…



What is a Hydrotherapy? Hydrotherapy, a therapeutic approach, to the therapeutic use of water, has been practiced for centuries across various cultures. Rooted in the belief that water can promote healing and wellness, hydrotherapy encompasses a wide range of techniques, from hot baths and steam rooms to cold water plunges and water exercises. Any activity…

Lateral pelvic tilt
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Lateral Pelvic Tilt ( Left vs Right Pelvic Tilt )

What is a Lateral Pelvic Tilt? Lateral pelvic tilt, a common musculoskeletal issue, refers to the asymmetrical positioning of the pelvis in the frontal plane, where one side of the pelvis is higher than the other. This imbalance can lead to various discomforts and dysfunctions in the lower back, hips, and legs, affecting posture and…

exercise for wrist drop
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15 Best Home Exercise for Wrist Drop

Exercise for wrist drops is an important part of your total treatment plan, in addition to your physical therapy and medical treatments. The inability to extend the wrist and fingers as a result of injury or compression to the radial nerve is the feature of wrist drop sometimes referred to as radial nerve palsy. Stretching and…