static lunges
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Lunges Exercise: Benefits, Type, Variations, How to Do?

What is the Lunge Exercise? What muscles work during a Lunge? Many muscles are utilized to stabilize and move the upper and lower bodies during a lunge exercise. Benefits of Lunges Exercise: Here are some advantages of performing lunges; Exercises like lunges train one side of your body separately from the other at the same time.By…

Curl ups Exercise

Curl ups Exercise (Sit Ups): Health Benefits, How to Do?

Curl ups Exercise, also known as sit-ups, are intended to build stronger abdominal and core muscles. Doctors recommend them to treat low back pain and to lessen the lumbar spine’s lordotic posture. What is Curl up exercise? The health advantages of Curl ups Exercise: Traditional core exercises like curl-ups are a common feature of fitness…


Bridging Exercise: Health Benefits, How to Do?

An excellent closed-chain exercise is the Bridging Exercise.By doing this exercise, you can stabilize your spine and strengthen your hip-back extensor muscles.It is also recommended that this be done if the patient has back pain. The Bridge Exercise: What Is It? By elevating your hips while resting on the floor, the Bridge Exercises strengthen your hamstrings and glutes while stabilizing…

Active Assisted Range of Motion Exercises (A-AROM)

Active Assisted Range of Motion Exercises (A-AROM)

Introduction Therapeutic activities known as Active Assisted Range of Motion (A-AROM) are designed to improve joint flexibility, muscle strength, and joint mobility. These exercises are commonly utilized in physical therapy and rehabilitation settings to assist individuals who may have limited mobility or are recovering from medical procedures or illnesses. Unlike passive range of motion exercises,…

Plank Variations

How to Do Plank Exercise? Health Benefits, Type, and Variations

What is the Plank Exercise? Plank Exercise, sometimes referred to as an abdominal bridge or front hold, is a kind of isometric core strength training where the object is to maintain a push-up-like foot and hand position for a prolonged period of time. A Plank exercise could be a wise way to improve your abdominal…

Active Range Of Motion (AROM) Exercises

Active Range Of Motion (AROM) Exercises

Introduction Active Range of Motion (AROM) exercises are a fundamental component of physical therapy and fitness regimens, aimed at maintaining or improving joint flexibility and muscle strength. They are the most popular kind of range-of-motion exercise, and their goals are increased strength, flexibility, and joint function. Any joint in the body, including the shoulders, elbows,…


13 Best Exercises for Scoliosis

What is scoliosis? The lateral curvature of the spine is referred to as “scoliosis” in the medical field. Although the spine naturally curves in all people, the spine appears straight when viewed from behind. On the other hand, people with scoliosis have an uncommon S- or C-shaped curvature of the spine. The curve can appear at different…