Thoracic radiculopathy
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Thoracic Radiculopathy

Radiculopathy is caused by the compression or irritation of a nerve root located in the spinal column. In the case of “Thoracic Radiculopathy,” the symptoms are caused by a disease process that occurs within the thoracic spine. What is a Thoracic Radiculopathy? Thoracic radiculopathy refers to a condition where the nerve roots in the thoracic (mid-back) region…

Lumbar radiculopathy
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Lumbar Radiculopathy

Lumbar radiculopathy refers to a condition where the spinal nerve roots in the lower back, specifically the lumbar region, are compressed or irritated. This compression can result from various factors, such as herniated discs, bone spurs, degenerative disc disease, or spinal stenosis. Definition The condition known as lumbar radiculopathy is an inflammation of a nerve root in…

Cervical Radiculopathy

Cervical Radiculopathy

Cervical radiculopathy refers to a condition where a nerve root in the cervical spine (neck region) is compressed or irritated, leading to symptoms such as pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness that radiates down to one’s shoulder, arm, or hand. It’s often caused by conditions like herniated discs, bone spurs, or degenerative changes in the spine….

Peripheral nerve injury.
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Peripheral Nerve Injury

What is a Peripheral Nerve Injury? Peripheral nerve injury causes damage or disruption to the nerves that extend from the spinal cord and brain to the rest of the body, which affects sensation, movement, and motor coordination. The peripheral nervous system is a group of motor and sensory nerves that connect the central nervous system…