
Eccentric Exercise

What is Eccentric strength training? Eccentric exercise refers to a type of muscle contraction where the muscle lengthens while under tension, typically during the lowering...


What is Pilates? Pilates is a workout regimen designed to enhance the body’s potential by repairing muscle imbalances, determining appropriate alignment, and developing adequate movement...

Isotonic Exercise

What is an Isotonic Exercise? Isotonic exercise is a type of physical activity in which muscles contract and expand throughout their range of motion. Isotonic...

Tai Chi: Improve Balance and Flexibility

Introduction Tai chi is an ancient Chinese form of mind-body training, often known as tai ji quan or tai chi chuan. It is mostly recognized...

Bench Press Exercise

What is a Bench Press? The bench press is a fundamental strength-training exercise that primarily targets the chest muscles, along with the shoulders and triceps....

ELDOA Method Exercises

What is an ELDOA Method? The ELDOA Method (Étirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation OstéoArticulaire) is a specialized form of exercise developed by French osteopath Dr. Guy...

Step-up Exercise

What is a Step-up Exercise? The step-up is a basic but extremely efficient lower-body strength training exercise that works the muscles in the legs and...

Windshield Wipers Exercise

What is the Windshield Wipers Exercise? Utilizing the windshield wipers for exercise is an excellent method to improve your core and work your abdominal and...

VMO Activation Exercises

What is a VMO Activation Exercise? VMO (Vastus Medialis Oblique) activation exercises are essential for strengthening a crucial part of the quadriceps muscle group located...

Static Exercise

What is the Static Exercise? Physical activities or movements performed without a lot of movement or positional change are referred to as static exercises. These...