Exercises for Morton’s Neuroma
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19 Best Exercises for Morton’s Neuroma


The most effective Exercises for Morton’s Neuroma usually concentrate on strengthening and stretching the muscles in the ankle and foot. The purpose of these workouts is to improve general foot mechanics and lessen strain on the injured nerve.

A painful condition that typically affects the ball of the foot between the third and fourth toes is Morton’s neuroma. The thickening of tissue surrounding a nerve is the cause of this illness, which causes burning, numbness, and pain. Exercises can be extremely important in controlling symptoms and avoiding more pain, even though there are treatments like orthotics, medicine, and even surgery available.

It is important to speak with a medical expert, such as a podiatrist or physical therapist, before beginning any exercise program for Morton’s neuroma in order to receive an accurate diagnosis and individualized exercise suggestions. To guarantee that workouts are done correctly and securely, proper instruction is essential.


The painful condition known as Morton’s neuroma arrives on by the swelling of tissue surrounding a nerve in the heel of the foot, usually between the third and fourth toes. This compression causes inflammation and irritation of the nerves. Morton’s neuroma develops as a result of several factors:

Foot Deformities and Problems with Structure

  • Flat Feet (Fallen Arches): The forefoot may experience more stress if the arch is not supported.
  • High arches: This may result in an unequal distribution of weight, which may irritate nerves.
  • Bunions and hammertoes: These disorders cause nerve compression and alter foot stability.

Overuse and Repetitive Stress

  • High-Impact Activities: Activities that repeatedly strain the heel of the foot, such as running, jumping, and other sports, can cause nerve thickening.
  • Extended Standing or Walking: Foot strain is increased when you stand for extended periods of time, especially on hard surfaces.

Footwear choice

  • Tight or Narrow Shoes: Shoes with a narrow toe box put pressure on the nerves by squeezing the toes together.
  • High Heels: Weight is transferred to the ball of the foot by elevated heels, which increases compression of the nerves.
  • Shoes with insufficient cushioning: Insufficient support could worsen symptoms and increase foot strain.

Nerve Disorders and Inflammation

  • Nerve Irritation: Prolonged irritation causes the nerve tissue to thicken, which is known as neuroma development.
  • Inflammatory Conditions: Pain and swelling in the nerves can be caused by arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Injury or Trauma

  • Direct Injury: Inflammation and thickening of the nerves can result from a foot injury, such as falling something heavy on the toes.
  • Repeated Microtrauma: Nerve swelling may be caused by frequent irritation from excessive movement or friction.

Signs and symptoms:

A painful condition that usually affects the heel of the foot, between the third and fourth toes, is Morton’s neuroma. The following are typical symptoms and signs:

  • The heel of the foot is usually between the third and fourth toes, and it can cause mild to severe pain. It frequently gets worse with movement or extended standing.
  • Experiencing acute, shooting pain that goes to your toes is possible.
  • Numbness or a “pins and needles” sensation: Some persons express feeling tingly or having “pins and sensations” in their affected toes.
  • Increasing pain with high heels or tight shoes: Wearing shoes with a tiny toe box, high heels, or tight shoes frequently makes the pain worse.
  • Itching or burning: The pain might be characterized as tingling, burning, or as if there is a knot in the shoe or a rock.

Exercise’s advantages:

Morton’s neuroma can be effectively managed with exercise because it relieves symptoms, improves foot function, and lessens the pressure on the affected nerve.

The following are some benefits and targeted workouts that might be beneficial:

  • Improves Foot Strength: By strengthening the foot’s muscles, the arch is better supported, which lessens the load on the injured area.
  • Improves Flexibility: By releasing tension in the surrounding tissues, stretching activities can increase the foot’s flexibility.
  • Encourages Proper Foot Mechanics: Exercises can help improve posture and alignment, which lowers the chance of making the neuroma worse.
  • Promotes Circulation: Exercise increases blood flow to the region, which may lessen inflammation and hasten healing.
  • Reduces Pressure: Exercises that involve stretching and strengthening can help relieve pain by lowering pressure on the nerve.

Exercises for Morton’s Neuroma:

Ankle circles

  • Either lie down with your legs straight out in front of you or sit comfortably with your feet flat on the floor.
  • Make sure your feet are supported, such as on a stool, or slightly raised if you’re seated.
  • Extend your leg a little and raise one foot off the ground. Maintain a relaxed but straight knee.
  • You may either let your foot float in the air or use your hands to grip it for more control.
  • Try rotating your foot at the ankle joint, not just the toes, and start by slowly making small circles with your foot in one direction (clockwise or counterclockwise).
  • Gradually increase the size of the circles, making sure you move through the entire range of motion at the ankle.
  • Continue making circles for a few seconds in one direction, then switch directions (clockwise if you started counterclockwise, or vice versa) and repeat for another few seconds.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.

Toe Extension Stretch

  • Sitting in the chair is the first step.
  • You have the option of sitting on a bed, on a chair, or the floor.
  • Place the foot of the crossed leg on the opposing leg’s thigh after crossing one leg over the other.
  • Your toes will be accessible easily as a result.
  • Using your hand, gently grasp your toes, ideally the big and second toes.
  • For a better stretch, you can grip your toes with both hands if necessary.
  • Gently stretch your toes by slowly drawing them back toward your shin.
  • Both your toes and the top of your foot should feel stretched.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Concentrate on relaxing your foot and taking deep breaths.
  • Relax your toes and gradually relieve the strain.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.
Toe Extension Stretch
Toe Extension Stretch

Toe Flexion Stretch

  • With your legs out in front of you or bent at a comfortable angle, take a seat on a chair or the floor.
  • Place the foot of the crossed leg on the opposing leg’s thigh after crossing one leg over the other.
  • Pull your toes gently down toward the sole of your foot with your hands.
  • Your toes will flex (curl) as a result, extending the tendons and muscles on the top of your foot.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Stretching should be felt around the top of the foot, along the toes, and maybe down into the lower ankle.
  •  Let your foot relax and gradually release the pressure.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.
Toe Flexion Stretch
Toe Flexion Stretch

Standing calf stretch

  • Place your hands on a wall, chair, or counter for support while standing with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Maintain a straight posture and an upright body.
  • With the heel level on the floor and the rear leg straight, take one leg and step it back two to three feet behind you.
  • Make sure your toes are pointed forward and maintain a tiny bend in your front knee.
  • Press the rear leg’s heel gently down toward the ground.
  • A stretch should be felt along the back of your leg and maybe up the back of your calf.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Do not arch your back; instead, maintain an upright posture.
  • Be careful to relax into the stretch and take deep breaths.
  • Release the stretch gradually and stand up again
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.
  • Repeat the stretch on the opposite leg after switching legs.
Standing Calf Stretch
Standing Calf Stretch

Big toe stretch

  • Start by sitting up straight on the table or chair.
  • If you can’t sit on the floor comfortably, you can also do the stretch while sitting in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. 
  • Grab your big toe with your hand, or if you’re sitting, bend your knee a little and hold your big toe with both hands. 
  • Slowly pull your big toe upward toward your shin (dorsiflexion) while keeping the rest of your foot on the floor. 
  • You should feel a stretch in the arch and along the bottom of your foot.
  • For a few seconds, hold the stretch while taking slow breaths and concentrating on letting your foot relax.
  • Your big toe, the arch of your foot, and maybe the muscles in your ankle and calf should all feel somewhat stretched.
  • Hold for as long as you like, then slowly return your big toe to its neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.
Big toe stretch
Big toe stretch

Marble pickup

  • Your feet should be flat on the ground as you sit in a chair.
  • Put some marbles in front of you and keep a bowl close by.
  • One marble at a time, grasp it with your toes, particularly the big and second toe.
  • Raise it and put it in the bowl.
  • Refrain from applying too much pressure as this could irritate the neuroma.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.
marble pickup
marble pickup

Seated toe taps

  • Start by settling yourself onto the chair.
  • Make sure your toes are relaxed and a little apart.
  • Maintaining the heel of your feet on the floor, raise your toes.
  • About 5 to 10 times per foot, lightly tap your toes up and down.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.

Toe curls

  • Your feet should be flat on the ground as you sit in a chair.
  • You should lay a tiny towel on the floor in front of you.
  • On the towel’s edge, place your toes.
  • Curl up on your toes and drag the towel in your direction.
  • Keep going until your foot is completely wrapped in the towel.
  • The towel should be flattened again.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.

Towel stretch

  • Stretch your legs out in front of you while sitting on the floor or in a chair.
  • Maintain a straight back and comfortable feet.
  • Take out a resistance band, yoga strap, or towel.
  • Using your hands to hold both ends, wrap the towel around the heel of your foot.
  • Maintaining a straight knee, gently draw the towel in your direction.
  • Your calf, heel, and arch should all feel stretched.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.
  • Repeat the exercises other foot.
Towel Stretch
Towel Stretch

Calf Raises on a Step

  • With your heels hanging off, stand on the edge of a stairway, staircase, or stable platform.
  • If you need balance, grab onto a chair, railing, or wall.
  • Raise your heels as high as you can while pushing into the heel of your feet.
  • To fully activate the calf muscles, hold at the top for a few seconds.
  • Feel a strong stretch in your calves as you slowly drop your heels down below step level.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.

Toe splays

  • Place your feet flat on the floor while sitting in a chair.
  • Make sure your feet are loose and a little apart.
  • Don’t curl your toes; instead, spread them as wide as you can.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.

Foot roller

  • Place your foot on the ball or roller as you sit or stand.
  • Focusing on tight spots, roll the object carefully from your heel to your toes while applying light pressure.
  • Spend one to two minutes rolling each foot.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.
Foot Roller exercise
Foot Roller exercise

Foot Arch Lifts

  • Place your feet hip-width apart on the floor and either sit or stand.
  • Make sure your toes are relaxed and touching the floor.
  • Use the muscles in your midfoot to raise the arch of your foot without curling your toes.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds.
  • When raising the arch, make sure the toes and heel remain on the ground.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.
Foot Arch Lifts
Foot Arch Lifts

Alphabet drawing

  • Either lie down with your legs outstretched or sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground.
  • Maintaining a relaxed ankle, raise one foot just a little bit off the ground.
  • Trace the letters A through Z in the air using your big toe as a “pen.”
  • Be certain that your motions are controlled and smooth.
  • Instead of moving the entire leg, concentrate on moving the ankle and toes.
  • For each foot, perform one complete alphabet.
  • Change your feet and do it again.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.

Toe raise, point, and curl

  • This exercise may be done standing with your feet flat on the floor or seated in a chair.
  • If standing, make sure you have a surface to balance on, such as a countertop, chair, or wall.
  • Keeping your heels and soles of your feet on the ground, begin by raising all five toes as high as you can.
  • The muscles in your lower leg and foot should start to contract.
  • After a little period of holding this position, slowly lower your toes back down to the floor.
  • Then, as though you were attempting to extend the bottom of your foot, point your toes downward.
  • From the ankle to the toes, your foot should be in a straight line, and your calves and the top of your foot should feel stretched.
  • After three to five seconds of holding the posture, carefully return your foot to its neutral position.
  • Point your toes, then curl them down toward the bottom of your foot, as though you’re attempting to use them to grasp the ground.
  • This exercise works the muscles in the arch of the foot and at the base of the toes.
  • After three to five seconds of holding the curled posture, gradually relax by putting your toes back in their neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.
Toe raise, point, and curl
Toe raise, point, and curl

Ankle Eversion with Resistance Band

  • You may perform this exercise while sitting on a chair or sitting on the floor with your legs out in front of you.
  • Attach the other end of a resistance band to a solid object, like a doorknob, or hold it in your hand while wrapping it around the inside of the foot that will be used for exercise.
  • When you move your foot outward (eversion), the band should be positioned to give resistance.
  • Try to move your toes toward the outside by slowly moving your foot outward against the band’s resistance.
  • As you act, contract the peroneal muscles, which are located along the outside of your ankle.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds after you’ve pushed your foot as far out as is comfortable.
  • The outside of your ankle and foot should feel stretched and activated.
  • Resisting the pull of the band, carefully move your foot back to the beginning position and return to the neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.
resisted ankle eversion
resisted ankle eversion

Ankle inversion with Resistance Band

  • Place your legs out in front of you while sitting on the floor or in a chair.
  • Wrap a resistance band around one foot’s heel.
  • Hold the band in place with your hands or secure the other end to a strong object, such as a doorknob.
  • Make sure your foot is comfortable and maintain a straight knee.
  • In order for the foot wearing the resistance band to be in a neutral posture, it should be slightly turned out to the side.
  • Turn your foot inside (inversion) slowly to overcome the band’s resistance.
  • Control the movement such that your foot approaches your midline.
  • The movement is produced by using the muscles on the inside of your ankle and lower thigh.
  • When you move your foot inside, your heel should remain on the ground or in a neutral position.
  • Feel the stretch and activation of your ankle and foot muscles as you maintain the posture for a few seconds after turning your foot inside.
  • Return your foot to the starting position gradually while keeping the resistance band under control.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.
Ankle inversion with Resistance Band
Ankle inversion with Resistance Band

Single-Leg Balance

  • To begin, place your feet hip-width apart, stand upright, and keep your arms at your sides.
  • Make sure you have balanced and erect posture.
  • Keeping the second leg slightly raised off the ground, gradually shift your weight onto one leg.
  • Depending on how comfortable you are, you can either keep your raised leg straight or bend it at the knee.
  • To balance on one foot, lift the opposing leg off the ground.
  • For extra difficulty, you can extend the raised knee straight in front of you or to the side, or you can bend it slightly.
  • Pay attention to maintaining your body’s balance and stability.
  • Maintain your posture and use the muscles in your standing leg to hold this position for a few seconds.
  • To help you stay balanced, try to keep your gaze fixed on anything in front of you.
  • Then return to your neutral position.
  • Then relax.
  • Repeat these exercises 5 to 10 times.
Single leg balance
Single leg balance

Sand walking

For those with Morton’s neuroma, walking is a great kind of exercise since it may minimize strain on the afflicted foot while offering several advantages. Sand’s soft, uneven surface may help in promoting improved foot mechanics, balance, and muscle strength.

  • Avoid walking on wet, compacted sand at the beach if at all possible. Instead, choose dry, soft sand.
  • Your feet get a more different exercise in dry sand.
  • To give your feet time to adjust, start with short walks (five to ten minutes) if you’re new to sand walking.
  • Increase the duration gradually as your feet get stronger.
  • Make an effort to walk with proper posture. Take little steps, maintain a straight spine, and contract your core.
  • Don’t put too much tension or effort on your feet.
  • Walking barefoot is usually the greatest way to develop your foot muscles and feel the ground more directly.
  • To lessen toe compression, use shoes with a large toe box and cushioning if you find walking barefoot painful.
  • Try walking in a variety of directions (straight, diagonal, or gently curved), and alternate between slow and moderate walking speeds.
  • This will improve muscular growth and present your foot with various challenges.

What safety precautions should be considered when working out?

It’s important to follow specific safety measures when exercising if you have Morton’s neuroma in order to make sure you get the most out of the workouts and avoid worsening the disease.

Consider the following important safety measures:

  • Begin slowly.

The affected foot may become more irritated and painful if you exert too much effort.

  • Stay away from High-Impact Activities.

Running, jumping, and other high-impact workouts might place too much strain on the foot and worsen the neuroma.

  • Wear suitable shoes.

Since they squeeze the toes and increase pressure on the nerve, tight, thin, or high-heeled shoes may worsen Morton’s neuroma.

  • Refrain from Standing or Walking for Extended Periods

Prolonged standing or walking might make symptoms worse by putting more strain on the foot.

  • Keep an eye out for pain.

Pain is a warning indication that something is incorrect and may be a sign that you are overtaxing that affected region.

  • Think About Foot Taping

 By relieving pressure on the affected location, taping the foot helps lessen nerve pain.

  • Pay Attention to Toe and Foot Flexibility

Toe or foot tightness may worsen symptoms by putting more pressure on the nerve.

  • Apply foot rubs and roll

Pain might be increased by tight foot muscles or fascia, which puts greater pressure on the neuroma.

  • Pay Attention to Your Body

The risk of injury might be increased by overexertion or improper exercise technique.

  • Do Not Wear Tight or Uncomfortable Socks

The strain on the foot may worsen due to compression from overly tight socks.

  • Gradual Advancement

Exercises that overstress the foot too quickly could worsen existing pain.

  • Consult a Medical Professional

It’s essential to make sure you’re performing the workouts and taking the right precautions for your particular situation.

You may safely exercise while managing Morton’s neuroma, try to lessen symptoms, and improve the health of your feet by taking certain measures.

When should you stop exercising?

If you experience any of the following symptoms or indicators, you ought to stop exercising for Morton’s neuroma right away:

  • Acute or Severe Pain

Severe pain between the toes or in the heel of the foot may be a sign that the neuroma is getting worse. The nerve may sustain more injury or inflammation if the pain is intense or gets worse.

Stop exercising and take a break. Until the pain goes away, stay away from any activities that put pressure on the foot.

  • An increase in swelling

Inflammation is indicated by swelling around the affected region, which can be caused by excessive effort or insufficient footwear.

Immediately stop the workout and raise your foot. If required, use ice, and stay away from activities that worsen the swelling.

  • Radiating Pain to the Toes

Pain that travels to your toes or the remainder of your foot might be a sign that the neuroma is becoming worse or that the nerve is under too much strain.

Put an end to the activities and rest. Exercises that might worsen the radiating pain should be avoided.

  • Feeling numb or tingling

Compression or irritation of the nerve may be indicated by numbness or a tingling feeling. If left untreated, this might cause further nerve injury.

Give up working out and take a break from exercising. See a healthcare professional if tingling or numbness doesn’t go away after sleeping.

  • Uncomfortable Arch or Heel

Pain in the arch or heel can occasionally result from adjusting for Morton’s neuroma. Other problems like Achilles tendonitis or plantar fasciitis might result from this adjustment.

Put an end to the activity, review your form and footwear, and get advice from a healthcare professional if needed.

  • The symptoms are not improving or growing worse.

Exercise may not be right for your condition if you’ve been doing it and don’t feel any better or if your symptoms get worse (more pain, swelling, or stiffness).

To change or replace your present workout regimen with one that is better for you, stop it and speak with a doctor or physical therapist.

  • With rest, you’re not seeing any improvement.

It might be a sign that the neuroma is at a more advanced stage or that the workouts you are performing are incorrect if your symptoms do not go better after taking a day or two off.

Stop exercising, take some time off, and see a doctor for a revised treatment plan.

Which exercises should you avoid if you have Morton’s neuroma?

Certain exercises should be avoided if you have Morton’s neuroma because they could worsen the condition, put more strain on the affected nerve, or create further pain. High-impact, repeated stress, or foot postures that put excessive strain on the forefoot are common in these workouts.

The following workouts should be avoided:

  • Jogging or Running

Running, particularly on hard surfaces, can increase Morton’s neuroma pain by applying repeated pressure to the heel of the foot. Every step’s impact has the potential to worsen the nerve.

  • Plyometric exercises or jumping

High-impact jumping activities, such as jump squats, box jumps, or jump rope, could worsen neuroma symptoms by increasing pressure on the forefoot.

  • Running uphill or incline

Running on slopes or hills puts the foot in an unnatural posture that might worsen the neuroma by applying different pressure to the heel of the foot.

  • Dance or High-Impact Aerobics

Intense dancing routines or high-impact aerobic programs, particularly those that include foot turns or hops, can cause significant foot stress and worsen Morton’s neuroma.

  • Excessive Weightlifting

Exercises that force you to stand on your toes, such as calf raises or hard squats with improper footwear, might put additional strain on the forefoot, even if weightlifting isn’t always harmful.

  • Some Yoga Pose

Certain yoga positions may increase pressure on the neuroma, especially those that call for you to put weight on your toes or arches (like Downward Dog or standing postures that strain your forefoot).

  •  Climbing Stairs

Repetitive pressure on the forefoot from climbing stairs may worsen pain from Morton’s neuroma.


The painful illness known as Morton’s neuroma typically affects the heel of the foot, between the third and fourth toes. It is distinguished by the swelling of the tissue around one of the toe-leading nerves. The affected area frequently experiences numbness, tingling, or a severe, burning pain.

By including these exercises in your regular plan, you can strengthen the surrounding muscles, increase foot flexibility, and lessen the symptoms of Morton’s neuroma. Proactive foot care measures can have a big impact on how well this problem is managed.

Exercise might help reduce symptoms while improving foot function, but it might not be enough to fully treat Morton’s neuroma. It is essential to speak with a physician, such as a podiatrist or physical therapist, before beginning any exercise program for Morton’s neuroma in order to receive an accurate diagnosis and individualized exercise suggestions. To guarantee that workouts are done correctly and securely, proper instruction is essential.


Even if I have Morton’s neuroma, can I still exercise?

With Morton’s neuroma, you can still exercise, but it’s essential to concentrate on low-impact workouts and ones that don’t place excessive stress on the injured foot. Excellent alternatives include swimming, cycling, and utilizing an elliptical machine. Foot stretching and strengthening exercises can also help alleviate pains.

Which workouts are most effective for Morton’s neuroma?

Exercises that strengthen the foot, increase flexibility, and lessen pressure on the affected nerve are the most effective for Morton’s neuroma.
Towel scrunches
Foot rolling with a ball
Toe stretches
Arch lifts
Calf stretches

Can I run with Morton’s neuroma?

Running may worsen the symptoms of Morton’s neuroma by increasing pressure on the forefoot, particularly on hard surfaces. Generally speaking, jogging and other high-impact exercises should be avoided. If you’re set on jogging, talk to your doctor and think about wearing orthotics, running on softer ground, like grass, and wearing shoes with cushions.

If I have Morton’s neuroma, are there certain workouts I should avoid doing?

Yes, you should stay away from workouts that put too much pressure on your forefoot or have a significant impact. These consist of:
Plyometric or jumping workouts
Dance or high-impact aerobics
Lifting weights while placing your feet incorrectly (calf raises, for example)
Basketball or tennis

How frequently should I perform Morton’s neuroma foot exercises?

Try to include foot workouts in your everyday regimen for the greatest results. One or two times a day, begin with mild stretches and strengthening activities. Your doctor or physical therapist can suggest more frequent workouts or varying the intensity if your symptoms are more severe.

Can physical activity exacerbate Morton’s neuroma?

Certain workouts could worsen symptoms of Morton’s neuroma if they are done improperly or too intensely. It’s important to pay attention to your body’s signals and stop any workout that produces excruciating pain. It’s better to relax and see a doctor if the pain gets worse.

Does exercising with Morton’s neuroma need specific footwear?

Yes, when exercising with Morton’s neuroma, suitable footwear is essential. Select footwear with sufficient arch support, cushioning, and a large toe box. Stay away of tight shoes and high heels since they might squeeze the toes. For extra support and cushioning, custom orthotics may also be beneficial.

Is it possible to help Morton’s neuroma by stretching my foot and toes?

Yes, you could reduce stiffness and lessen pressure on the neuroma by extending your calves, feet, and toes. Foot massages, calf stretches, and toe stretches are all beneficial for increasing the range of motion and reducing pain.

When exercising, how can I manage Morton’s neuroma?

Wear shoes with the right amount of support and cushioning when exercising to help control Morton’s neuroma.
Stay away from demanding or high-impact activities that put a strain on the forefoot.
Regularly do stretches and strengthening exercises for your feet.
If you experience any pain throughout your workout, take breaks.
For further support, apply orthotics or foot tape if necessary.

How can I tell whether I’m performing workouts correctly?

To prevent further pain, it’s important to complete workouts correctly. If you’re not sure, think about consulting a physical therapist who can help you with the exercises and ensure that you’re doing them safely. Stop the workout and speak with your healthcare physician if you feel any severe pain.

Will Morton’s neuroma improve if I strengthen my feet?

Yes, strengthening the muscles in your feet may help maintain the arch and alleviate pressure on the damaged nerve. Exercises that build strength, such as towel scrunches, arch lifts, and toe curls, can help stabilize the neuroma and lower the chance of it getting worse.


  • Patel, D. August 3, 2023c. 27 Samarpan Physio is the best exercise for Morton’s neuroma. Samarpan Clinic for Physiotherapy. Morton-neuroma exercises: https://samarpanphysioclinic.com/
  • Alexispickford and associates. December 8, 2023b. Treatment options for Morton’s neuroma: surgery or at-home exercises? America’s Ankle & Foot Centers. Morton-neuroma-treatment: https://ankleandfootcenters.com/
  • Mortons. October 9, 2023. The Center for Morton’s Neuroma: Morton’s Neuroma Foot Exercises. The Mortons Neuroma Center. Morton-neuroma foot exercises: https://www.mortonsneuroma.com/blog/
  • March 18, 2025: ProHealth Prolotherapy Clinic. Exercises for Neuromas at Morton’s ProHealth Prolotherapy Clinic. This is the blog for Morton-Neuroma Exercises: https://prohealthclinic.co.uk/
  • Novakovic, A. November 17, 2023. The definition and treatment of Morton’s neuroma. The article 179773 can be found at https://www.medicalnewstoday.com.
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